Snow of the Year

I can’t remember the last time we had real good snow, or even if we had any good ones in the last few years. I was excited for this year’s snow, when I heard we would have a snowstorm. However, I did have my doubts due to past failed predictions, but I was also hopeful. It was something to look forward to, especially during these stressful times with our current pandemic.
When the first snow fell at 1pm, I was ecstatic. Although winter isn’t my favorite season, I still love it! Not to mention, this would be my son’s first real experience with snow. As the snow covered the grounds, Sy noticed the difference right away from looking out the window. He was mesmerized by the falling snow.
When I was able to clock out of work, I bundled up my son and dog for a short outing since it was late and dark. I was a bit bum that I couldn’t take him out during the day time, but unfortunately work was in demand. During our short outing, we walked around the driveway and Sy was amazed by the snow blowing into his face. lol….It was also windy, so it felt colder. After a few good minutes being outside, I decided it was time to head back inside. It was a good thing we didn’t stay out long. As soon as we were inside, a few moments later; the snow had changed to sleet.

The next morning before I logged into work, I took Sy and Happy out again. The snow piled up and was a little frosty, but it was a beautiful sight. Our own winter wonderland. I showed Sy what to do with his toy shovels, so he had fun trying to help wipe the snow off from the car (gently) and wrecking havoc with the snow that was on the ground. Not to mention, he was fascinated by it, when he tried to pick up a pile of snow to see what it is, but it would crumble into tiny crystalized pearls.

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