Happi Turns 15!

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Happi Turns 15!

Happy birthday to our wonderful and sweet, little grump! Our pup, who isn’t a pup anymore, is still healthy and agile. Today, we celebrate his 15th birthday!

I cannot not believe it’s been 15 years since we adopted him. We originally were planning to adopt his brother, and drove to NJ to pick him up. However, when we got there, we were told the original puppy we planned to adopt had already found a home. We decided to adopt one of his brothers and sisters that also needed a home. Instead of adopting the one that came to us, we saw a weary pup hiding under the table looking back at us. He looked timid, but for some reason, we decided to adopt him among his outgoing and friendly siblings.

It has been such a wonderful journey and experience raising and training him when he was young. My youngest loves him, even though Happi acts indifference towards him. lol…But i could tell, he doesn’t mind. To our sweet grump, I hope you live many more years in good health, so the kids can grow up to know and love you too!

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